The I.D.F. says 8,000 Palestinian ‘fighters’ have been killed in Gaza so far. So out of a death toll of 22,000, 8,000 were women and 7,000 were children. That means every man killed was a ‘fighter,’ plus 1,000 women or children were also ‘fighters.’
It looks like any human being inside Gaza is seen as a fighter, including shirtless Israelis holding up white flags.
The I.D.F. moto – “Kill ‘em all, let God sort ‘em out!”*

*In the year of our Lord 1209, Pope (not so) Innocent III orders a crack down on the Cathars of Beziers in southern France, a heretic (or slightly unorthodox) sect. As an incentive, he offers the head of the army, one Simon de Montfort, a French nobleman, all the land of the heretics he kills. The army surrounds the town and demands they give up the Cathars. The Catholics and the Cathars of Beziers, who had been getting along very well up until then thank you very much, refuse to hand over their brethren to be slaughtered.
So de Montfort attacks!
When asked how he will distinguish between Cathars and Catholics, he says,
““Kill them all. God will recognize his own.”

For more details, go to

I am a fearless reporter who has recently been sacked from News of the World due to wishy washy. namby pamby, bleeding heart, bed weting liberals banging on about Ethics, whatever they are. I try to offend as many people as possible but in the words of some great orator, "you can offend some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but youcant offend all of the people all of the time".

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