July ’23

For the racists who oppose the voice I have this to say,

“You are a bunch of numbskulls!”

For the well meaning but misguided folks who oppose the voice l say this,

Please do not listen to hot-heads like Lydia, who have no constituency.

It is written in the ‘blackfella constitution’ that everyone must listen to our wise elders,

good people like Megan Davis, Marcia Langton, Pat Dodson, Noel Pearson, Rachel Perkins.

People with a great track record on fighting for black justice.

To vote yes you do not have to believe it will improve Indigenous lives,

You just have to believe it won’t harm them.

If you believe that having a voice in parliament would actually hinder your ability to achieve your lofty ambitions, such as a fair treaty, then by-all-means go to the wise elders and do your utmost to convince them of their folly. But if they reject your advice, what ever you do, do not go making public statements that undermine the cause of your wise elders and the vast majority of your people.

Cop it sweet. Take it on the chin. Take one for the team.

At no time in history has anything ever been achieved via disunity.

Sure, argue the toss amongst yourselves till you are blue in the face, then shut the fuck up.

The idea of rejecting the voice in favor of ‘more concrete measures’ would be laughable

if it was not so tragically naïve. We have all seen what an enormous effort it has taken to

get people to even consider the concept of a voice, what on earth makes you think they

will be more willing to accept more concrete measures instead, like a treaty.

Don’t forget that you have no leverage what so ever.

The only people with any leverage in this system are those who can threaten withdrawal

of their money, their labour or their vote.

Our version of ‘democracy’ has no place for small tribes. It panders to the biggest tribe, the bogans. They are easy to placate. Tiny little tribes of angry blackfellas don’t get a look in, as you are no doubt aware. Lacking leverage you must apeal to the better nature of the bogans. Good luck! 

To reject the voice in favor of a treaty looks naïve in the extreme.

Very much like a child who is offered a vegemite sandwich, throwing it in the dirt and demanding,

“No! I don’t want a sandwich, I want an ice cream”.

Well, after the sandwich offer is withdrawn, how are going to get your ice-cream?

What can you threaten if you don’t get it, other than a tantrum…..Lydia?

You won’t be getting much help from all those people who signed ‘The statement from the heart’

after you have rejected their advice. You won’t be getting any help from the racists who will feel emboldened by the crushing blow they have dealt to your movement when the referendum is rejected, with just a little help from confused members of that movement.

I myself wonder how things might look if the voice is successful.

I imagine it could be like the ‘90s under Paul Keeting;

The Redfern speech, ATSIC, blackfellas like Louitja O’Donahue having a say on important issues,

being sought out by the press for their opinion and advice.

You never know, it might just turn out alright.

How can you be so certain it won’t?

Ben Boyang 3/7/2023

I am a fearless reporter who has recently been sacked from News of the World due to wishy washy. namby pamby, bleeding heart, bed weting liberals banging on about Ethics, whatever they are. I try to offend as many people as possible but in the words of some great orator, "you can offend some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but youcant offend all of the people all of the time".

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